Donate Goods & Services

At Start Me Up Niagara, we are always in need of donated goods and services to keep operating effectively. Making your gifts go further and making sure they help as many people as possible is always our goal. 

We Appreciate Your Help

We want to thank our funders, donors, and volunteers who have helped us help those facing significant life challenges such as addiction, mental illness, poverty, homelessness and unemployment. Your gifts have touched the lives of our participants.

I have some food I'd like to drop off

For the health and wellbeing of our participants and those in our community, we can only receive packaged food donations from commercial kitchens and food producers licensed by regional and provincial health regulators.

Although many in our community are very generous, we cannot accept homemade food items as we are unsure how they were prepared and if safe food handling protocols were followed. Canned food items will always be accepted, but please be mindful of expiry dates.

Does Start Me Up Niagara accept computer donations?

Computer items will no longer be accepted by SMUN. Determining the usefulness, age and compatibility of these donations is costly, time-consuming, requires the assistance of an IT professional and often results in more landfill.

Looking to Make a Financial Donation?

If you are able, making a financial gift to Start Me Up can be arranged here. Charitable donation receipts are only issued for monetary donations. Start Me Up Niagara cannot offer a donation receipt for donations of canned food items, clothing, hygiene products, etc

Food items in need

  • Powdered Creamer & Sugar
  • Regular Grind Coffee
  • Canned or Fresh Fruit & Vegetables

Clothing in new or good condition

  • Start Me Up Niagara’s Mobile Closet accepts this type of donations. They work within our agency and with others to make sure that our participants are receiving everything that they need.
  • Located at 203 Church St. in St. Catharines
Drop off times:
Tuesday and Friday: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Sunday: 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Other Supplies

  • Personal hygiene products, sunscreen, bug spray 
  • Baseball Caps
  • Seasonal Clothing that is clean, stain free and in good repair
  • Running Shoes

How do I make an in-person donation? When and where can I drop-off some of items on your list?

The following items are always welcome and may be dropped off at The Resource Centre at 203 Church St. between 9AM and 12 Noon and 1 - 4 PM on weekdays and 10AM to 1PM on weekends.  Start Me Up Niagara's Mobile Closet is open for donations on Tuesday and Friday between 10 am and Noon or Sundays between Noon and 2 pm.    

Period products are a basic necessity. If you are living in poverty or are vulnerable in other ways, access to tampons, pads or cups can be challenging especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Period Products are available at Start Me Up Niagara. We are a part of the Period Promise and have period products for anyone in need.

Support Our Work

Your donations go directly to frontline service and supports for our participants who experience homelessness and other mental health and addictions issues.

Donate Now