Services for Job Seekers in Niagara

The employment team at Start Me Up Niagara's Work Action Centre offers a wide range of services and support tailored to help job seekers find and retain employment.

Support for Job Seekers

Are you looking to get back into the job market? Start Me Up Niagara can help!

From entry level part-time to full-time specialized professional goals, we work with you to connect you with the opportunities you need to get the work you want.

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How We Can Help

Our employment services are designed to support your individual needs. We will work with you to:

  • Develop customized employment plans with clients based on their individual needs
  • Career decision making and exploration: identifying strengths, skills, interests and labour market conditions
  • Job search strategies and opportunities: Self marketing, employer outreach
  • Skill enhancement: pre-employment, job trials, placement, training, and on the job coaching
  • Support and exploration of alternative income opportunities including self-employment–owning and operating your own business

Employment Workshops

Each month, Start Me Up Niagara hosts a variety of workshops to help support you in the search for employment opportunities. 

Learn how to write a resume and ask for a good reference, set career goals and create an indivualized career path, navigate social media platforms, and more.

View Upcoming Workshops

  • This is to express my gratitude for all the time and resources you spent helping me secure a job. My family and I are forever grateful for your guidance, care, and patience throughout these very difficult seven months without a job. Hopefully, this Job will be the beginning of greater opportunities.

Ready to Get Started?

Contact us today to get started on your employment journey.

Support Our Work

Your donations go directly to frontline service and supports for our participants who experience homelessness and other mental health and addictions issues.

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