Our Staff

Each member of the team at Start Me Up Niagara is deeply committed to our mission to provide opportunities to individuals who face significant life challenges in the Niagara Region.

About Our Staff

The staff at Start Me Up Niagara use their education, training and lived experiences combined with their professional skills and natural aptitudes to treat each participant with compassion, dignity, and respect. Each staff member on all of our many teams care deeply for our participants and our greater community. 

Start Me Up Niagara is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applicants from all communities inclusive of race, culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and with differing abilities and lived experiences. This diversity allows SMUN staff to better serve our participants and to build a healthier, more productive community.

The Resource Centre and Kitchen Program Team

Our dedicated staff are here to resolve issues in a non-judgmental way and to connect people to appropriate resources.

The Resource Centre

Bike Me Up Niagara

Our Program Coordinator leads a core group of dedicated, skilled volunteers who repair and re-condition the bicycles for resale.

Bike Me Up Niagara

From Our Garden

Our dedicated garden workers help to grow and distribute the fruits of their labour. These hardworking individuals manage the farm and harvest thousands of pounds of produce for our community.

From Our Garden

Employment Team

Our unique employment team takes an individualized holistic approach towards achieving employment sustainability. 

Employment Services

Administrative Team

The admin team is known for going the extra mile to backup and support the other teams in the execution of their duties.

Niagara's Mobile Closet

Our dynamic group of staff and volunteers offer free clothing events throughout Niagara offering year round service to outfit our community. 

Niagara's Mobile Closet

Support Our Work

Your donations go directly to frontline service and supports for our participants who experience homelessness and other mental health and addictions issues.

Donate Now